I will make a go/no go call on Mikey Sheedy coming up from NYC for this Saturday 5/13 9am on Thursday morning.
It's not fair to bring him up for a small group. We have over 35 in this group and to make this viable I'm looking to see at least 20 attendees signed up in this app. Currently we are at 8.
We had a great turn out yesterday with 16 -,app had 11. I have directly msg you individually so please use the app to advise attendance so we can better plan
We are building nicely but would like to see more to fully build out game spproach. We are 3 to 4 practices away from this as we have been working ( with great progress from you) on critical building blocks. May 20 we will rapidly transition to deployment of game strategy.
Again no point in bringing Mikey up for less than 20. Please enter your attendance by Wednesday
Please also note training is for you and our team.
I am seeing great development so please keep at it. It's fun when we work hard and give ourselves a great opportunity
Even if Mikey does not come we will still be practicing